Monday, July 12, 2010

1.57 Billion Strong?

It is often noted that the Umma is 1.57 billion strong. Alhamdulilah, our numbers are increasing every day. When I hear this number I am initially filled with joy and pride. However when I reflect on it, I’m saddened and frustrated. There are 1.57 billion of us-but look at the condition of the Umma. Look at all the infighting and division among us. Look at the state of some Muslim nations. Look at the situation in lands where we are a minority. Something is not right here.

We worship the one true God, Allah, subhana wa’taala.

We have the perfect religion, Islam.

We have the perfect example in the Prophet Mohammed, peace and blessings be upon him.

So, where did we go wrong? For the error cannot be in the Holy Quran, the Sunnah or the Hadiths. No, it must be within us. I try to imagine what the Umma would look like if we were all on our deen. I know that such a thing is probably unrealistic and too much to ask for. So I adjust the number downward. What if we had 500 million Muslims who were on their deen like the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, was? 500 million Muslims who…

Feared Allah as the Prophet feared,

Prayed like the Prophet prayed,

Loved each other for the sake of Allah the way the Prophet loved,

Walked in humility as the Prophet walked,

Rejected racism and tribalism as the Prophet rejected them,

Showed mercy as the Prophet showed mercy,

Sought justice as the Prophet sought justice, and finally,

Remained faithful to Islam as the Prophet remained faithful to Islam at all times.

It is frankly hard for me to picture this. But, Subhanallah, I truly believe that the Umma, and the world itself, would be turned upside down if this were to happen! The enemies of Islam seem to recognize the power and potential strength of the Umma. When will we Muslims do the same?

Friday, July 9, 2010

Perfect Faith, Imperfect Followers

I love Islam. I reverted to Islam three months ago and I wouldn’t trade Islam for anything. There are those who say that my faith is in need of a “Reformation”, that Islam needs to adapt to the modern secular world and that we need to change how we interpret the Quran. I vehemently reject such thinking. As far as I am concerned, Islam is the perfect religion. The Holy Quran is flawless and the Hadiths and Sunnah show us how to correctly live our lives.
With that said, the Umma is not perfect. As a revert to Islam I experience this on a regular basis. I like attending Ju’mah whenever I can. Unfortunately it is on this very day that I face un-Islamic behavior from my brothers and sisters. Last week I was walking to the masjid. A Muslim family, going to the exact same masjid that I was, just glared at me when I gave them the salaams. Frankly this happens often and I try not to be hurt by it. But the fact that we were all going to the same masjid for the same purpose made their behavior all the more upsetting. They were following our faith, going to listen to the khutbah and pray. Yet they would treat a sister in faith this way and disregard what the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, stated about spreading the Islamic greeting? We Muslims were not told to only give the greetings to Muslims that shared our complexion or national origin.
Today there was another disappointing incident. I bring my six-year old daughter with me whenever I attend the masjid. Upon entering the masjid I went to the ladies room to make sure my scarf was in place. A friend that came with me took my daughter upstairs so they could get a good seat. Imagine my surprise when, after the khutbah and salah, my friend informed me that a group of sisters were gossiping and backbiting about my child! Apparently the fact that my daughter was wearing an orange hijab was cause for these sisters to make disparaging comments about her. I tell you this, Allah truly knows best! Astagfirullah, if I had been there to witness this myself I don’t think I could have remained silent. It hurts me to find that sisters will behave this way in the masjid, and towards an innocent child at that!
I could go and on sharing stories of ill-treatment by fellow Muslims, but I won’t. The tragic thing about all of this is that it can and often does drive people away from Islam. There are reverts who cease to be active in the community, leaving Islam and never coming back. For my fellow reverts experiencing this hostility and indifference: focus on Allah, subhana wa’taala, and worship Him in sincerity. For on the Day of Recompense, Allah is the one that you must face! Always remember the example set by the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, and strive to follow it no matter what. Do not let the shortcomings of others distract you. Don’t let the imperfections of people take you away from the perfect religion: Islam.