Friday, April 2, 2010

Do As I Say, Not As I Do

Last week I made a decision that would change my life. I'm the product of a Baptist family, yet I'm converting to Islam. I'm very pleased with this decision and at peace with it. However sharing this news with my family and friends has generated significant controversy. Since this is all an ongoing process, there will be multiple blog posts on this subject. In this installment I will discuss the hypocrisy that is aggravating me.

Most people in my circle identify as Christians, but are very lax in their practice. It might be better to call them nominal Christians or even "backsliders". Now I really didn't judge them for that and even now I'm not fully comfortable doing so. But now that they choose to judge me for becoming Muslim, I must admit that it crosses my mind. Each time I'm lectured on how I should have just remained Christian and followed Jesus, I want to ask them:"Why don't you follow your own advice first? If they truly believe that Christianity is the way, why don't they follow its tenets in their own lives? It's amazing to hear individuals attempt to convince me of something they don't truly believe in themselves! Follow the teachings of your own faith before you attempt to lecture me about mine.

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