Tuesday, April 27, 2010

"Love and marriage, love and marriage..."

It's been approximately twenty three days since I took my shahadah and the m word is already coming up. Now don't get me wrong; I have nothing against the institution of marriage at all. I also understand that in Islam it's very crucial. Marriage is half of our deen, and I do look forward to being a wife and having a husband. But with that said, some of the pressure regarding the issue is a bit much for me as a new convert. I'd really like to have a thorough understanding of my rights and responsibilities as a muslim wife before I become one. I have done research on the subject and it's an ongoing process. I just don't want to rush into a marriage or treat it casually. I also have some minor emotional baggage that I need to clear first. When I marry I don't want it to resemble my experiences during my time of jahiliyya in ANY way. I truly want everything to be guided by Allah and expect the process to be guided by Islamic principles 100%.

1 comment:

  1. Word. Some people make such a big deal about marriage. I'm like, look, I'll marry when I'm good and ready! Marriage is a big commitment, and it's not fair to me or my future husband if we rush into things when we're not ready (emotionally, financially, etc.) to do so.
